2nd Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment

General Abbreviations
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R.A.P. Regimental aid post. (Battaion size unit.)
rd Road.
RDI Relief driver increment.
Rds Rounds.
rec Recover, recovered or recovery.
recce Reconnaissance - Reconnoitre.
ref Reference.
reg Regulate, regulated, regulating or regulation.
regt Regiment or regimental.
rel Relief.
Rem Remained (stayed in an area, or stayed on duty).
rep Represent, represented or representative.
Repat. Repatriated home.
Rept Reported.
Re - Res Reserve(s).
restd Restricted.
retarded Delayed.
RFB Reported from Base.
rfn Rifleman - riflemen.
Rft Reinforcement.
R.H. Railhead.
RHMA Railhead or roadhead, maintenance area.
rly Railway.
RMA Rear maintenance area.
RO Routine order.
Rp Refilling point, regimental police, or Rules of Procedure.
rpg (pm) Rounds per gun per minute.
rptd Repeated.
R & R Rest and relaxation.
RSD Returned stores depot.
R/T. - RT Radio-telephony.
RTD Returned to duty.
RTC Returned to Corps.
RTO Railway traffic order.
RTU Returned to Unit.
RV Rendezvous.
RW Royal Warrant for Pay and Promotion.





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